This weekend was bird-counting-day in the Netherlands.
I must admit I did not count any of them, but I am fond of looking at birds all the time.
Some time ago I had the flu and from my bed I could see 5 little tomtits flying by my window back and forth. It looked as if they were playing 'tag, you're it'. It made my time in bed much more fun. They reminded me to live my life as playful as possible even if it is with intense fever. So I just enjoyed my extra 'time off'.
Another thing I never will get enough of is the magnolia flower. I've painted them in so many ways and for me they symbolize that 'the new' is coming. The first sign that spring is on its way. So these two combined, the tomtit and magnolias celebrates life in a beautiful way.
Hope you can enjoy nature this week.
With Love Lies
It Is Necessary
To Become
A Part Of The Silence."
Robert Lynd
'TomTit With Magnolias'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch