maandag 30 december 2013


Ready-Set-Go-2014 will be the year of the horse. A year with lots of energy. 
I wish you all a vibrant, powerfull, happy and healthy new year!


'Ready Set Go'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

maandag 23 december 2013


For everybody who is in need for a Happy Monday.

'Happy Robin'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

maandag 16 december 2013


On the 6th of December 2013 a new little Robin entered this world.
Not only on canvas but in real life as well.
Welcome babygirl Robin!

'Little Robin'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

maandag 9 december 2013


Sometimes a beautiful story travels by. Like the one brought by this readbrest. She suddenly appeared at the funeral of two girls mother. She stood there proud and wise, as if she wanted to send comfort and say I'm confident in my next step.

'Confident Step'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

Soms reist er onverwacht een mooi verhaal voorbij. Zoals het verhaal wat hoort bij dit roodborstje. Zij dook opeens op tijdens de begrafenis van de moeder van N en R. Met haar borst vooruit en een trotse tred alsof ze wilde zeggen wees gerust, ik heb vertrouwen in mijn nieuwe stap.

maandag 2 december 2013


Het dagelijkse project happy-mini-mail zal niet meer precies zo doorgaan als het begonnen is, misschien dat ik hier wel af en toe een mini maak en plaats. En er zijn ook nieuwe ideeen en plannen maar hoe en wat weet ik nog niet precies. Dat zal ik zeker laten weten als het zover is.

De reden dat de mini's gestopt zijn is Raf, met hem heb ik ook de meeste mini's ontdekt.Het heeft eventjes geduurd voordat ik hier kan vertellen dat Raf is vertrokken naar de andere kant. Op 6 november 2013 blies hij zijn laatste adem uit. Ik ben zo dankbaar dat Raf mijn hond wilde zijn. Hij heeft mij zoveel over mezelf en het leven geleerd.

Ik herinner me nog precies hou hij als kleine pup mij uitkoos als zijn 'vrouwtje' Die blik, die ogen, ik ken maar weinig honden die je zo menselijk aan konden kijken. Volgens de 'hondenregels' mag een hond je nooit direct aankijken, dat is dominant gedrag, maar daar trok Raf zich gelukkig weinig van aan, net als ik.

Vanaf dat we wisten dat Raf ziek was op 19 juli tot aan zijn laatste moment hebben we samen zoveel moois nog meegemaakt. Letterlijk door met een camper langs de stranden van Normandie te reizen, iedere dag een ander plekje om de zee in te rennen, wat een blije hond kreeg je dan te zien.En ook omdat ik opeens precies wist wat ik wel en niet belangrijk vond, en dat het zo fijn is om zoveel samen buiten te zijn.

Raf was altijd al intuitief maar vanaf dat moment leek het wel of hij gedachten kon lezen, net als de plaatjes die hij me stuurde om iets te vertellen. Als ik nog van alles moest doen maar eigenlijk liever even in het zonnetje een kop koffie dronk, bleef hij gewoon radicaal stilstaan voor een terras. Geen stap verder totdat we daar gezellig even simpelweg van het leven genoten.

Samen werd onze wereld, jouw laatste maanden, even heel klein en besloten en daarmee juist oneindig groot. Omdat alleen dat wat er echt toe doet nog overblijft. Pure verbinding, het gevoel van één met alles te zijn, zonder dat daar bevestiging van buitenaf voor nodig is.

En dat beloof ik je Raf, zal ik zoveel mogelijk in ere proberen te houden, dat en dat ik met een immens grote glimlach aan je terugdenk.

'So Long Raffie'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

This daily project will not continue in exactly the same way it did, 
maybe I'll place a miniature here occasionally. And ofcourse there are new ideas and plans but they are still rough around the edges. I will definitely let you know when the time has come to make a fresh start.

The reason that the mini's have stopped is Raf, with him I discovered most of the mini-moments. It took me some time to tell you Raffie's gone off to the other side. On the 6th of November he took his last breath in and went away. I'm so gratefull that Raf wanted to be my dog. He has taught me so much about myself and about life in general.

I remember it, as if it were yesterday, this little puppy that walked up to me. Those eyes, that look, with such humanlike eyes. According to the proper 'dog rules ' a dog should never look directly at you, thats dominant behavior, but luckily Raf could'nt care less, just like me.

From the moment we knew that Raf was ill on July 19 until his last moment we have experienced so much joy together. Literally because we traveled with a campervan along the beaches of Normandy. Every day another beach to run into the sea.Oh what a happy dog we got to see. But also because I suddenly knew exactly what was important to me and what is'nt, and that it is so great to be so much together, outside.

Raf always has been an intuitive character, but from that moment it seemed as if he could read minds and speak, by the images he sent me to tell something. Or if I was busy with 'must-do's' but rather enjoyed the sun on a terrace, he firmly stood ground. No step further, until I gave in and we enjoyed the simple things of life for a moment.

Our world together, in his last few months, became very small and private and thus actually infinite. Because only what really matters remains. Pure connectedness, the feeling of being one with all, without the need for confirmation of the outside world.

And that's what I want to promise you Raf, that I will keep on trying to live my life in that simple way, as much as possible. To honour you, me and life itself.
And ofcourse although I miss you terribly,I will be thinking of you with an immense inner smile.

zondag 4 augustus 2013

'Extra Time'

Soms gebeuren er dingen in je leven die je niet voorziet. 
Zo ben ik de happy-mini-mail ooit begonnen omdat Lisette ongeneeslijk ziek werd en ik haar wilde steunen. Het hielp haar, het hielp mij en naar ik begreep ook vele anderen om de kleine mooie dingen van het leven te zien en te waarderen. Het leven te zien van dag tot dag. 

Nu ben ik onverwachts tijdelijk op dag no 1001 gestopt omdat mijn trouwe Raffie, mijn lieve hond, ziek is. Hij wordt helaas ook niet meer beter. Wel heeft hij een medicijn wat tijdelijk werkt waardoor hij nog wat extra tijd heeft gekregen. En wij om van hem te genieten. Nog steeds zie ik iedere dag de happy-mini-momenten, en ik waardeer ze ook, alleen voel ik even geen behoefte om ze te delen.

Ik ben heel dankbaar voor alle lieve en begrijpende reacties die ik heb ontvangen, waarin velen ook schreven dat ze het begrepen als ik even zou stoppen.
En dat is wat ik voor nu wil doen, een time-out inlassen, een moment van bezinning. Me in alle rust afvragen of en hoe ik door wil gaan met dit project wat zo veel moois al heeft gebracht.

'Extra Time'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

Sometimes things happen in your life, you just did not see coming.
I initiated the happy-mini-mail because Lisette fell incurably ill and I wanted to support her. It helped her, it helped me too, and as I understood it also helped others to notice and appreciate the value and beauty of the little things in life. Taking it just one day at a time. 

Now I unexpectedly stopped temporarily at no.1001 because my special Raffie, my loving dog is sick. Unfortunately he can not be cured. However he received medication which works, temporarily. This buys him some extra (quality) time and us extra time to enjoy him. 
I still see the happy-mini-moments every day and I appreciate them too. Only I feel no need to capture and share them.

I am very gratefull for all your kind and emphathetic responces. Some of you wrote you would understood if I would pause.
And that's what I want to do right now, insert a time-out, taking a moment of reflection. Ask myself in all tranquility if and how I want to continue this Happy-Mini-Mail. A project which has already brought so many beautiful things. 

vrijdag 19 juli 2013


Stel dat je iedere dag een miniatuur hebt geschildert met een klein blij moment, om anderen en jezelf op te vrolijken. Stel het is de dag dat je de 1000ste mini schildert, en je vraagt iedereen wat zijn of haar gelukkigste moment van de afgelopen 1000 dagen was. Wat nou als je net op die feestelijke dag een ongelofelijk vervelend bericht krijgt. Een bericht over een, voor mij, erg belangrijke levensgezel Raf. Mijn lieve leuke superhond Raf voelt zich letterlijk hondsberoerd en blijkt opeens twee enorme tumoren in zijn buik te hebben en we weten de verdere uitslag nog niet. Wat nou als je dat bericht krijgt? Ik had persoonlijk geen enkele behoefte om nog een nummer 1001 te schilderen. Totaal en helemaal niet. En eigenlijk nog steeds niet. Maar ja wat stelt dit project dan nog voor als je dat waarvoor je het iedere dag schildert zelf niet kan toepassen. Ik ga me gewoon een hele gezonde en blije Raf voorstellen, een beetje zoals de dappere vos van no.1000. Dus hier is dan toch, een dag later dan eigenlijk de bedoeling is nr 1001

'1001 Nights'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

Suppose you have painted small happy moments, to cheer up others and yourself. Suppose it's is the day that you paint your 1000th mini, and you ask everyone what was your happiest moment of the last 1000 days. What if you just get an incredibly unpleasant message yourself on this supposed day of celebration. A message about a very important one for me, Raf. My dear super cute dog Raf feels terribly sick and the vet suddenly discovered two huge tumors in his stomach and we have to wait for further results. What if you get that message? I personally did not feel any need to paint a number 1001. And still do not. But what use and justification would this project have. If the reason for which I paint these miniatures every day could'nt be implemented by myself. I'll just imagine a very healthy and happy Raf. Like the brave foxy no.1000. So that's why later than actually intended here is no 1001

woensdag 17 juli 2013


Of Foxes they say they tend to be partially rooted in the spirit world, living day to day in sort of a 'world between'. Foxes are a strong symbol of femininity, shape-shifting, illusion, and magic.
That's why I've painted a little FennecFox today and because I think they always look so brave with those huge ears in relation to their tiny bodys. 
Must say this little Fennec has come a long way. She started her journey 1000 days ago. 

Today is a day I never expected to experience when I started this project. It's the day I painted a thousand miniatures one day after another. All days had something small that caught my attention, something to bring a smile to my face and hopefully yours too. 

I'm curious, what has given you the biggest smile the last 1000 days? Or which miniature brought you a special feeling?
Tell us down here, (Mag ook in het nederlands natuurlijk) 
by e-mail or on facebook because it's so much more fun to share!

And hey, you might even win your favorite happy-mini!!!

'Little Brave Fennec'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

dinsdag 16 juli 2013


Sometimes nature gives something back. Like when a butterflyspecies that was almost extinct suddenly has new growth. This applies to the white-letter hairstreak (iepenpage). Of these beauties new ones were spotted in Gelderland, the Netherlands. That's news that truly makes me happy. This rare butterfly always sits whit it's wings closed. That's why I painted it seen from it's belly.

'White-letter Hairstreak'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

maandag 15 juli 2013


'Clematis on an Old Wall'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

zondag 14 juli 2013


This is Bugs a dog from animalinneed. Bugs has eyes that look a little bit outside, as if he sees more of the world than an average dog. Bugs is a sweet, friendly pure-bred Breton Español born around feb 2006 and 48cm tall. He is looking for a quiet family, if you like to know more about Bugs click HERE

UPDATE Bugs found a place of his own in Spain yeah!
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting
25% of the sales amount will be donated to animalinnneed

zaterdag 13 juli 2013


If you are dutch, your name starts with a T and you are traveling abroad, have a safe trip and...
'Remember The Windmill'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

vrijdag 12 juli 2013


Where will it lead to...

'Hidden Path'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

donderdag 11 juli 2013


'Hollyhocks Flowers'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE  if you like to buy this painting

woensdag 10 juli 2013


'Lilies In The Mud'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

dinsdag 9 juli 2013


Sorry, if it looks like an advertisement for Burger's Zoo. Have to  admit I could keep on painting miniatures after my visit there. They also have a fishtank I admire, as if you walk under water in Burger's Ocean. 
'School's Out'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

maandag 8 juli 2013


What I do like, and visited several times are the tropics. Must say I also liked the fakeversion in Burgers Bush. What an exotic display of marvelous plants and birds so close to Arnhem...
'Tropical Delight'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

zondag 7 juli 2013


Never been to the desert. Never wanted to either, but lately I met a few people who were totally in love with 'the desert'. So maybe I should give it a try somewhere in the future. For now I've only seen the one in Burgers Zoo;-)
'Colors Of The Desert'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

zaterdag 6 juli 2013


It was fun looking at this little Vari, enjoying his carrot-lunch in Burgers Zoo.
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

vrijdag 5 juli 2013


'Beauty in Decay'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

donderdag 4 juli 2013


acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

woensdag 3 juli 2013


"Scouts honour, I did not found my present yet..."
'Birthday Boy'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

dinsdag 2 juli 2013


Last Sunday I was at the workshop collage making at studioVeer, it was not only lots of fun we also had a delicious lunch with fresh juices outside. If you also like to do this workshop click HERE or for more info send a message to studioVeer HERE. There are a few spots left on july 14 in Utrecht. Don't worry, you don't need special skills just let it emerge, and if you wish Veer guides you through the process.

'Strawberry-juice And Red Boots'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

maandag 1 juli 2013


Today it has exactly been two years since Lisette passed away. She is the reason why I started the project Happy-Mini-Mail. To support her with little moments of joy during her illness. Two years is a long time, but in a way, shorter for people who have to miss a loved one I guess.

Lisette loved flowers. Peonies, lilies of the valley and Lathyrus were some of her favorites. That's why on 1 July of this year it's Lathyrus to honor her. As long as I keep on painting these mini's I'd like to keep this day as a symbol for those who are currently fighting for their health...

'Sweet Pea's to Remember'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

zondag 30 juni 2013


Sometimes you stumble upon something special when you least expect it. In this case it's a secret teagarden at lineaushof in Amsterdam. It's run by Roos (what's in a name) In the garden of the lineaus-church you can have a relaxed sit among the flowers. Every sunny saturday from 13.00 till 17.00 Roos is there with tea she freshly makes from herbs from the garden and homebaked delicious pie. 
The entrance of the garden is on the opposite of no.69 click HERE for the adress.
'Secret Garden'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

zaterdag 29 juni 2013


Could be a whole...
'Field of Foxgloves'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

vrijdag 28 juni 2013


I'm curious...
'What's Behind The Fence'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

donderdag 27 juni 2013


'Little Lamb by Night'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

woensdag 26 juni 2013


'Saved Croatian Beauty'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

dinsdag 25 juni 2013


What I like about this hostaplant are those gigantic, heart-shaped, blue-green leaves. They are of heavy substance, as if they are sculptured and water stays on it like little pearls. And how can you not be beautiful with such a name...
'Hosta Blue Angel'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

maandag 24 juni 2013


'Light & Wild Pink Roses'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

zondag 23 juni 2013


Still fond of my shiny red vintage Milano handbag. We found it on a market in Milaan filled with vintage Gucci's, Prada's, Armani's you name it. And there she was. My unbranded red lovely beauty. Just patiently waiting for me.
'Shiny Red Vintage'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

click HERE if you like to buy this painting

zaterdag 22 juni 2013


'Little Puppy Inside'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

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