zaterdag 31 maart 2012

vrijdag 30 maart 2012


This branch I managed to save from the fallen tree of the island I mentioned before on no.521 Luckily we still have one last time to enjoy her blossom.

'Salvaged Branch'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

donderdag 29 maart 2012


acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

woensdag 28 maart 2012

dinsdag 27 maart 2012


acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

Fabian zit nog steeds te wachten op een baasje...
kijk maar snel even hier bij de urgente hondjes van animalinneed
naar zijn lieve snuit. Hij is nu te bezoeken in Nederland.
Ik heb Fabian eerder geschilderd als no.409 en no.414

maandag 26 maart 2012

zondag 25 maart 2012


'Losing The Island'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

There is a small island in the ij on the outskirts of Amsterdam where I like to walk my dog. There were there two houses with beautiful trees and flowers in the garden. Everything almost in bloom. But it's all leveled now. Unfortunately, this island has to disappear. I have no idea why. This bruised flower lay among the debris. With beautiful purple-blue goblets.

zaterdag 24 maart 2012


acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

vrijdag 23 maart 2012


acrylic on canvas 5x5cm 2x2"inch

donderdag 22 maart 2012


'Muscari Botryoides'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

woensdag 21 maart 2012


'Vibrant Blossom Splendor'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

dinsdag 20 maart 2012


'Magnolia Stellata'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

maandag 19 maart 2012


'You Talkin' To Me?'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

zondag 18 maart 2012


'Dried Hydrangea'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

zaterdag 17 maart 2012


Your shadow will let you see your light. Or by a quote of Jung "How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole” 

'Grapes On Chinese Platter'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

vrijdag 16 maart 2012


'Emerging Spring'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

donderdag 15 maart 2012


'Dear Deer'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

woensdag 14 maart 2012


acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

dinsdag 13 maart 2012


'Withered Rhododendron'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

maandag 12 maart 2012


'Abstract Spring'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

zondag 11 maart 2012


'Crow On The Doorstep'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

vrijdag 9 maart 2012


'White Goatie'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

donderdag 8 maart 2012


acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

woensdag 7 maart 2012


Spring is very near now. It's a favorite time because of all the new flowers entering our world. All those vivid colors, my favorite models to paint.
Magnolia's are among the early-birds and the same goes for the ones from the ranunculus family.

The anemone is also a member of that clan and carries the beautiful nickname daughter of the wind. Sounds like a title for a very nice fairytale to me. If you look at her, this name fits her fine.

The stems with those unpredictable curves. The skirt-like leafs that suits these flowers like a ballerina with tutu. And of course the black hearted big heads that catches wind easily.

Just look at them and you can feel an inner smile coming up.
Always try to find that inner smile, even if you can't see a smile on the outside, you can feel there is one on the inside.
Try it for instance when you pick up the phone, I am certain the conversation will get a lot more fun.

'Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you feel it'

'Daughter Of The Wind'
acrylic on canvas 5x5cm (2x2"inch)

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